Pics or it didn’t happen

Klaudia Jurić
Sentinel’s Journey Log
2 min readJan 16, 2020


Route gallery within Sentinel web app
Route gallery within the Sentinel app

Humans have a strong tendency of more easily accepting, believing or loving things when we see a picture of it. That is where “a picture is worth a thousand words” comes from. Or, if we translate it to modern expression, popularized by social media behaviour: “pics or it didn’t happen”.

You could always share your trips directly from the Sentinel app in the form of an image, or a dynamic link, with all of the sailing information, such as speed and mileage. We thought that adding an opportunity to upload your own photos of the route would make the shared experience more vivid and memorable. Could you say we are wrong?

Image share is an upgrade of our Postcard/Link sharing feature in the Sentinel app which makes visual sharing of sailing experiences with loved ones easier than ever.

How does it work?
Uploading your pictures to the wished route is being done in a few simple (s)taps:

  • Open your Sentinel app to see your boat and tap Trips in the lower bar
  • Here you will have all your sailing routes listed. Pick the one you would like to share as a postcard or a link
  • In the top bar, next to the trip name, you will find the icon for attaching the photos. Tap that icon and choose multiple photos from your library that you would like to add to the route

Now that you’ve successfully uploaded images to your trip, it’s time to share it with your friends. Use “Share as Link” to make sure that your friends will be able to see the images together with the trip itself.

Once your friend receives a link, he/she will be directed to your Sentinel web app sailing trip gallery!

Now you have a nice memory and proof it really happened! Cool, isn’t it?

